What You Need to Know About the Markets

What Is the Stock Market and How Does It Work?

Updated: February. two, 2022, 3:58 p.thou.

You may take heard that investing in stocks can be a great way to create wealth over fourth dimension, and information technology'southward certainly true. But do you lot really know how the stock market works? Or what makes a stock market dissimilar from a stock commutation or stock index? Do you know what a stock is? If you're curious, here's a rundown of the basics of stock markets, stock exchanges, and stock indexes.

How does the stock marketplace work?

Before we tin can get into stock markets, you need to understand stocks and how they piece of work on a basic level. Here are a few basic concepts that can assist new investors understand how the stock market works.

What is a stock?

Stocks, also known as equities or publicly traded companies, represent ownership interests in businesses that choose to have their shares available to public investors. A share of stock represents an ownership involvement in a company -- if you buy a share of Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), you ain a small part of the business and get to share in the visitor'due south success. In other words, instead of existence endemic by an individual or a private group, some companies cull to "go public," significant that anyone can become a part owner by purchasing shares of the company's stock.

Stock market basics

And so how does the stock marketplace piece of work? There are entire books explaining the stock market place, but you don't need to go also deep into the weeds to go a good basic understanding of the stock market. Stock markets facilitate the sale and buy of these stocks between private investors, institutional investors, and companies.

The vast bulk of stock trades accept identify betwixt investors. That ways, for instance, that if you want to buy shares of Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) and hit the "buy" push through your broker's website, you are buying shares that some other investor has decided to sell -- not from Microsoft itself. By purchasing shares of a stock, you become an investor in the underlying company.

How are prices determined on a stock market?

Stock prices on exchanges are governed by supply and demand, evidently and simple. At whatever given time, there's a maximum toll someone is willing to pay for a certain stock and a minimum cost someone else is willing to sell shares of the stock for. Retrieve of stock market trading like an auction, with some investors bidding for the stocks that other investors are willing to sell.

If in that location is a lot of demand for a stock, investors will purchase shares quicker than sellers want to go rid of them, and the price will motion college. On the other hand, if more investors are selling a stock than ownership, the market price will driblet.

Taking information technology a step further, it'south important to consider how information technology's possible to always buy or sell a stock yous ain. That's where market makers come in.

Did You Know?

A stock's toll is governed by supply and demand. If a lot of people want to own office of a certain visitor, then that company'south stock price rises.

Icon hand with dollar sign

Market makers ensure there are always buyers and sellers

I extremely important concept when it comes to agreement the stock market is the thought of a market maker. Specifically, there aren't always buyers to match up with sellers of stocks, so how tin brokers buy and sell stocks in your account instantaneously?

To make sure at that place'southward always a marketplace for stocks on an substitution and investors can cull to buy and sell shares immediately whenever they desire to during market place hours, individuals known equally marketplace makers human activity equally intermediaries betwixt buyers and sellers. Here's a rundown of what investors should know about the process:

  • Market makers buy and hold shares and continually list buy-and-sell quotations for shares.
  • The highest offering to buy shares listed from a market maker at whatsoever given time is known equally the bid, and the lowest offered selling cost is known every bit the enquire.
  • The difference between the two is chosen the spread.

The main reason for using the marketplace maker arrangement as opposed to simply letting investors buy and sell shares straight to one another is to be sure there is e'er a buyer to match with every seller and vice versa. If y'all desire to sell a stock, you don't demand to wait until a buyer wants your verbal number of shares -- a market maker volition purchase them correct abroad.

What happens when you lot purchase a stock?

Investors must carry out the transactions of buying or selling stocks through a broker, which is only an entity licensed to trade stocks on a stock exchange. A broker may exist an actual person whom yous tell what to buy and sell, or, more commonly, this can be an online banker -- say, TD Ameritrade or Allegiance -- that processes the entire transaction electronically.

When you buy a stock, here'due south the simplified version of how it works:

  • Yous tell your broker (or input electronically) what stock you desire to buy and how many shares yous want.
  • Your broker relays your order to the commutation, and a market maker sells you shares at the current marketplace price.
  • The shares are then delivered to your business relationship.

"The Market is Up!"

When someone says "the market is up" or that a stock "trounce the market," they are usually referring to a stock index.

Lightbulb icon

How does a stock index track the stock market?

You've probably heard statements such as, "The market is upwardly," or that a stock "beat the market." Frequently when discussing the stock market, people generalize "the market" to a stock index. Stock indexes, such as the South&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average, are a representation of the performance of a big group of stocks or a particular sector and are used as a benchmark to compare the performance of private stocks or an unabridged portfolio. For instance, the South&P 500 index tracks the performance of 500 of the largest publicly traded companies in the U.S.

Indexes are a convenient way to discuss an approximation of what is happening in the market, just it's of import to sympathise that the major stock indexes you lot run across on TV and in the news do not fully represent the entire stock market.

Stock markets, stock exchanges, and stock indexes

There are three different terms here with similar and often misunderstood meanings. A stock marketplace refers to the process and facilitation of investors buying and selling stocks with one another. A stock exchange is the bodily intermediary that connects buyers with sellers, such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). A stock index is a numerical representation of a group of stocks that is used to track their collective performance.

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Source: https://www.fool.com/investing/stock-market/

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